Americans with Disabilities Act IU resources for faculty and staff
Employee Relations for Staff employees IU support
IU Human Resources Retirement and Financial Education offers courses on budgeting, debt management, healthcare cost, retirement and more.
IU Funded:
IU Retirement Plan for Academic, Exempt Staff, and eligible Non-Exempt Staff employees
Retirement & Savings Plan for Non-Exempt Staff employees
Public Employees’ Retirement Fund (PERF) for Support and Service Staff employees hired before July 1, 2013
Employee Funded:
IU Supplemental Retirement Plans – IU offers 2 voluntary employee funded retirement plans
IU retirement plans record keeper:
Fidelity - IU Dedicated Workplace Consultants offer planning and advice.
IU Tuition Benefit reduces the cost of IU courses for IU employees and their dependents.
Public Service (Student) Loan Forgiveness Program forgives the remaining balance on your Direct (student) Loans after you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer.
IUHR Professional Development Offerings offers professional development sessions and series that foster employee growth, improve performance, and increase employee engagement.
IU Expand is a portal for online non-credit, continuing education, and certificate-based coursework offered to the IU community as well as the general public.
UITS IT Training provides award-winning educational resources on IT topics. UITS IT Training courses are at no cost to IU faculty, staff and students.
Healthy IU is Indiana University’s employee wellness program.
IU Human Resources Financial Wellness Lunch and Learns offers courses on budgeting, debt management, healthcare cost, retirement, and more.
Want a financial literacy tune-up? Get Office of Financial Wellness & Education with in-person consultations, articles, videos, and more from IU financial literacy experts.
360 Degrees of Financial Literacy is a free public service by the nation’s Certified Public Accountants that assists individuals with understanding their personal finances and developing money management skills.
Public Service (Student) Loan Forgiveness Program forgives the remaining balance on your Direct (student) Loans after you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer.
Free Will and Advance Directive Preparation for IU employees, students, Retirees, and IU parents with an annual individual income below $50,000.
You have a lot on your plate. You deserve the convenience of having professional consultants do the research. SupportLinc EAP’s convenience concierge services helps make completing your to-do list with ease.
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Additional SupportLinc Work + Life Benefits
Legal consultation - free in-person or telephonic consultation with a licensed attorney (excluding employment law).
Financial consultation - expert guidance and consultation from financial professionals.
Identity theft consultation - free, consultation with identity theft recovery professionals and personalized recovery action plans.
Whether you are interested in saving money on parking or committed to saving the environment, there are many ways to commute to and around campus.
Hoosier Commuter Club is your chance to join other IUB faculty and staff members who like to save money, improve the environment, and possibly even improve your health.
IUB Motorist Assistance provides on-campus help with dead batteries, vehicle lockouts, or empty gas tanks.
IU Indianapolis Sustainable Solutions support alternate modes of transportation to get you around campus and beyond. No matter what brings you to IU Indianapolis, please consider a sustainable option (shuttle, bike, carpool, walk) instead of driving alone.
IU Indianapolis Vehicle Assistance is available for jumpstarts, air for tires, gasoline, or locating your vehicle.
Hoosier Rideboard is for all IU students, faculty, and staff who are looking for carpool partners or one-time carpool trips. Only IU students, faculty, and staff can register and will be able to see your profile.
Navigating Indiana Traffic
Indiana Department of Transporation (INDOT) Mobile App is designed to help motorists with their commute and contacting INDOT. The app includes travel maps and notifications about weather, construction projects and emergency closures.
Waze is the world's largest community-based traffic and navigation app where drivers share real-time traffic and road info.
Additional Resources
- IU Employee Perks and Discounts
- Use funds on your CrimsonCard as payment for items and meals on-campus and off-campus.
- Online Discounts
- American Bar Association - IN Free Legal Answers
- Legal Services Corporation promotes equal access to justice and provides grants for high-quality civil legal assistance to low-income Americans.
- Low-income Taxpayer Clinic at Indiana Legal Services represents, educates, and advocates on behalf of Hoosier taxpayers to ensure that all Indiana residents are able to know, understand, and exercise their fundamental rights as taxpayers.
- Consumer Law Center represents, educates, and advocates on behalf of Hoosiers to ensure they know, understand, and exercise their rights as consumers.
- Housing Law Center (Indiana Legal Services)
- Immigrants & Language Rights Center (Indiana Legal Services)
- LGBT Victim Assistance Program (Indiana Legal Services)
- Cigna’s Veteran Support Line will help all veterans, their families and caregivers with services and resources for financial issues, legal assistance and more. Services are provided whether or not the veteran is a Cigna customer. Call 1-855-244-6211 for more information.
Groups and Organizations
- Asian Culture Center promotes awareness and understanding of Asian and Asian American Cultures, history, and issues at IU and in the Bloomington Community.
- CWA union for Indiana University Bloomington Support Staff.
- First Nations Educational and Cultural Center focuses on building a Native community within the University.
- Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center supports IU’s efforts to challenge, support, and contribute continued development and success of black students, faculty, and staff.
- Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) provides academic support, community, advocacy, and graduate resources.
- IU Bloomington Professional Council (IUBPC) provides leadership to enhance the quality of life of the professional employee.
- University Club fosters connections and sponsors social, cultural, and recreational activities.
- Indiana University’s La Casa/Latino Cultural Center offers a combination of support services and programming focused on the recruitment and retention of Latin students, faculty, and staff.
- Latino Faculty and Staff Council focuses on building fellowship and communication among Latino faculty, staff, and students.
- Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs facilitates programming related to diversity issues and support services for students, faculty, and staff of diverse ethnicities.
- Monroe County Bar Association
- Student Legal Services on-campus law firm serving only IU students
- Indiana Legal Services - Bloomington provides legal services for low-income households in Bartholomew, Brown, Clay, Greene, Jackson, Lawrence, Monroe, Morgan, Orange, Owen, Parke, Putnam, Sullivan, and Vigo counties.
- The Indianapolis Senior Law Project serves Blackford, Boone, Delaware, Fayette, Franklin, Grant, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Henry, Jay, Johnson, Marion, Madison, Morgan, Randolph, Rush, Shelby, Union, and Wayne counties.
Perks and Discounts
- Bloomington Discounts
- Online Technology & Retail Discounts - IU employees and students can receive cell phone, technology, entertainment, travel, and various other discounts with these online retailers.
The IU Real-Estate Property Management Division
The IU Real Estate-Property Management Division offers rental housing near campus to faculty and staff and full-time graduate and professional students and postdoctoral scholars.
Groups and Organizations
- Asian Pacific American Faculty and Staff Council supports educational, professional, social, and cultural opportunities for faculty and staff members who identify as Asian Americans and/or share the values of Asian Pacific American heritages.
- Black Faculty and Staff Council provides leadership in addressing issues that are of vital concern to the African-American campus community.
- Graduate and Professional Student Government advocates on issues that are important to graduate and professional students and keeps an active dialogue open with the IU Indianapolis administration.
- IU Indianapolis Faculty Council
- IU Indianapolis Senior Academy unites retired faculty and staff to further members’ interests and to use their knowledge, experience, and influence to help guide the future of IU Indianapolis.
- IU Indianapolis Staff Council represents the staff in communication processes and decision-making of the university and more.
- Latino Faculty and Staff Council is committed to supporting and advocating for and among Latinos at IU Indianapolis and in Indianapolis.
- LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff Council provides professional development and networking opportunities for faculty and staff of IU Indianapolis who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer+.
- Native American Faculty and Staff Council serves to enhance educational, professional, and cultural opportunities for faculty and staff members of IU Indianapolis who identify as Native American Indian.
- Veterans Faculty and Staff Council provides leadership in articulating and advocating on campus and university issues that are a concern to the Veteran campus community.
- IU Indianapolis Office of Academic Affairs
- Marion County Bar Association
- Indianapolis Bar Association
- Indiana Legal Services provides legal services to low-income households in Boone, Decatur, Delaware, Fayette, Franklin, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Henry, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Randolph, Rush, Shelby, Union, and Wayne counties.
- The Indianapolis Senior Law Project serves Blackford, Boone, Delaware, Fayette, Franklin, Grant, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Henry, Jay, Johnson, Marion, Madison, Morgan, Randolph, Rush, Shelby, Union, and Wayne counties.
Perks and Discounts
- Indianapolis Area Discounts
- Online Technology & Retail Discounts - IU employees and students can receive cell phone, technology, entertainment, travel, and various other discounts with these online retailers.
Groups and Organizations
- Faculty Senate
- Professional Council is open to any IU East employee classified and “Professional”.
- Staff Council
- Center for Faculty Development provides support for faculty development in teaching, service, and scholarship.
- Indiana Legal Services provides legal services to low-income households in Boone, Decatur, Delaware, Fayette, Franklin, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Henry, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Randolph, Rush, Shelby, Union, and Wayne counties.
- The Indianapolis Senior Law Project serves Blackford, Boone, Delaware, Fayette, Franklin, Grant, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Henry, Jay, Johnson, Marion, Madison, Morgan, Randolph, Rush, Shelby, Union, and Wayne counties.
- Whitewater Valley Pro Bono Commission provides free legal assistance to low-income residents of Wayne County in Indiana who have Wayne County cases.
Perks & Discounts
- Online Technology & Retail Discounts - IU employees and students can receive cell phone, technology, entertainment, travel, and various other discounts with these online retailers.
Groups and Organizations
- Staff Council represents non-academic staff in the communication and decision-making processes of the university and more.
- Professional Council provides professional staff members with a means of representative participation through recommendations and advice in the formulation of policies and in the solution of problems affecting the general welfare of, the working conditions of, and the services rendered by the professional staff of the University.
- IU Kokomo Faculty Senate
- Office of Academic Affairs provides assistance with career development, productivity, excellence, cultivating academic leadership and a nurturing campus climate as well as defining faculty rights and responsibilities.
- Indiana Legal Services provides legal services to low-income households in Benton, Carroll, Cass, Clinton, Fountain, Howard, Miami, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, Tipton, Vermillion, Wabash, Warren, and White counties.
Perks and Discounts
- Kokomo Discounts
- Online Technology & Retail Discounts - IU employees and students can receive cell phone, technology, entertainment, travel, and various other discounts with these online retailers.
Groups and Organizations
- IUN Office of Academic Affairs
- Faculty Organization
- IU Northwest Council serves the campus by functioning as the central governance body for the discussion of significant issues facing the campus.
- Indiana Legal Services provides legal services to low-income households in Jasper, Lake, Newton, and Porter counties.
- Hammond Legal Aid Clinic -5231 Hohman Avenue, Suite 605, Hammond, IN 46320. Call (219) 853-6611 for assistance.
- NWI Volunteer Lawyers provides legal information, advice, and representation in civil legal matters to low-income persons who are residents of Lake, Porter, Jasper, & Newton Counties.
Perks & Discounts
- Online Technology & Retail Discounts - IU employees and students can receive cell phone, technology, entertainment, travel, and various other discounts with these online retailers.
Groups and Organizations
- The Staff Council provides a medium for communication among administration, faculty, and staff employees at IU South Bend.
- Office of Academic Affairs oversees and supports faculty careers from recruitment through hiring, promotion and tenure, and retirement.
- IU South Bend Ally Network helps visibly affirm and support IU South Bend students, staff, faculty, administrators, and alumni regardless of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
- Indiana Legal Services serves Elkhart, Fulton, Kosciusko, LaGrange, LaPorte, Marshall, Noble, Pulaski, Starke, and St. Joseph counties
- The Volunteer Lawyer Network, Inc. promotes and organizes free legal services in northern Indiana.
Perks and Discounts
- South Bend Discounts
- Online Technology & Retail Discounts - IU employees and students can receive cell phone, technology, entertainment, travel, and various other discounts with these online retailers.
Groups and Organizations
- Staff Council represents non-academic staff in University matters, provides a support system, and fosters a benevolent, social bond among the staff.
- IU Southeast Office of Academic Affairs
- Indiana Legal Services provides legal services to low-income households in Clark, Crawford, Dearborn, Floyd, Harrison, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley, Scott, Switzerland, and Washington counties.
Perks and Discounts
- New Albany Discounts
- Online Technology & Retail Discounts - IU employees and students can receive cell phone, technology, entertainment, travel, and various other discounts with these online retailers.
Groups and Organizations
- IU Columbus Staff Council represents full and part-time non-academic staff in the university’s decision-making and communication processes.
- IU Columbus Faculty Senate act on issues and concerns related to student conduct, faculty workload, time modules for classes, conflict of commitment, and conflict of interest.
- IU Indianapolis Office of Academic Affairs
- Indiana Legal Services handles Senior Law issues for Bartholomew, Brown, Decatur, Jackson and Jennings counties.
- Indiana Legal Services serves Bartholomew, Brown, Clay, Greene, Jackson, Lawrence, Monroe, Morgan, Orange, Owen, Parke, Putnam, Sullivan, and Vigo counties.
Perks & Discounts
- Online Technology & Retail Discounts - IU employees and students can receive cell phone, technology, entertainment, travel, and various other discounts with these online retailers
Groups and Organizations
- Indiana Legal Services provides legal services to low-income households in Adams, Allen, Blackford, Dekalb, Grant, Huntington, Jay, Steuben, Wells & Whitley counties.
- Allen Circuit and Superior Court Self-Help Center provides information and legal forms to underrepresented persons for domestic and paternity matters.
- Allen County Bar Association Legal Line is open every Tuesday from 5 pm - 7 pm at (260) 423-2358.
- Volunteer Lawyer Program of Northeast Indiana offers services to individuals with limited financial resources in many areas of civil law.
Perks & Discounts
- Online Technology & Retail Discounts - IU employees and students can receive cell phone, technology, entertainment, travel, and various other discounts with these online retailers.