Blood pressure machine only locations:
- Bryan Hall, 107 S. Indiana Ave. - Lower Level Break Room –
- Biology Building, 1001 E Third Street – Hallway off of the atrium, near room 142
- Central Heating Plant, 820 N. Walnut Grove - 2nd Floor, Room 5
- Public Health, 1025 E. 7th St. - Gym
- Service Building, 1800 N. Range Rd. - Hallway between Office and Shops
Scale only locations:
- 408 N Union Street, lobby of Student Central
- SPEA Building,4th floor, room 430A (faculty/staff lounge)
Both Blood pressure machine and scale locations:
- IMU, 900 E. 7th St. - Lowest Level Near Escalator
- Kelley School of Business, Godfrey Graduate & Executive Education Center - Ground Floor by the Stairs
- Cyberinfrastructure Building (CIB), 2nd floor by the stairs
*There is a scale located in the lower level locker room of the School of Public Health as well. This scale is not maintained by Healthy IU. If you have questions about this scale, please contact
Find your IU Bloomington building HERE.
Blood pressure machine only locations:
- ICTC, 535 W. Michigan Avenue—1st Floor Vending Area
- Health Sciences (RG), 1050 Wishard Boulevard—1st Floor Lobby
- Medical Library (IB), 975 Walnut Street—2nd Floor Atrium
- Service Building (RV), 901 Wilson Street—Room 136
Both Blood pressure machine and scale locations:
- Lockefield (LV), 980 Indiana Avenue—Lower Level Hallway
- Campus Center (CE), 420 University Boulevard—2nd Floor, Across from Room 213
Find your IU Indianapolis building HERE.

Hayes Hall, 1st Floor Lobby, in front of library
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Both Blood pressure machine and scale location:
- Northside Hall, 1825 Northside Blvd. (Lower Level Near Cafe)
Find your IU South Bend building HERE.
*There are also scales located in the men’s and women’s locker rooms in the SAC. These scales are not maintained by Healthy IU. If you have questions about these scales, please call the SAC front desk at 574-520-4100.
Campus Health Clinic offers free blood pressure screening, no appointment necessary.