About Us


Healthy IU is Indiana University’s workplace wellness program, serving the following populations:

  • Full-time faculty and staff
  • Part-time faculty and staff (adjunct faculty and hourly with retirement benefits)
  • Spouses on an IU Medical Plan
  • IU Medical and Optometry Residents
  • SAA Graduate Appointees
  • IU Retiree Status (*not eligible for taxable incentives/benefits)

Hourly students and Graduate Assistants (GAs) are not eligible. Students can reach out to their Student Health Center, Health and Wellness Office, or their campus Office of Student Life for student wellness resources.

Healthy IU offerings are free for eligible participants. Check out what’s happening on your campus.

Healthy IU is part of the Benefits Center of Expertise of IU Human Resources.


Healthy IU will provide educational and environmental resources to foster individual well-being and support a culture of wellness in the workplace and beyond.


To inspire the IU community to integrate wellness into every aspect of life.


  • Respect for the uniqueness of each individual and campus.
  • Transparency in program design, delivery, and evaluation.
  • Evidence-based resources, internal expertise, and collaborative partnerships.
  • Environments, systems, and policies supportive of a healthy lifestyle and work + life needs.
  • A welcoming, inclusive, and equitable environment for all.
  • Innovation and quality improvement.



Healthy IU’s approach is based on the whole-person model of the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.

Why the 8 Dimensions? According to the National Institutes of Health, people often think about wellness in terms of physical health, but it is so much more. Well-being encompasses the way we live our lives, focusing on joy, fulfillment, and health. It integrates eight interconnected dimensions: emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, financial, social, environmental, and spiritual.

Find a step-by-step guide to wellness.


Healthy IU Objectives


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