Child & Adolescent Counseling Resources

Learn about child and adolescent counseling resources.

Please remember to check with your IU-sponsored medical plan administrator to determine coverage and provider network eligibility, when using mental health and substance abuse resources outside of Indiana University.


  • SupportLinc Employee Assistance Program is a voluntary program that provides professional, confidential counseling to assist IU employees and their household members, when day-to-day activities are interrupted by stress. Common reasons to use IUEAP services include: Depression, Stress and anxiety, Conflict in the workplace, Drug and alcohol abuse, Family and marital problems, Grief and loss. Learn more »
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • Turning Point offers 24-hour telephone (1-800-221-6311) crisis intervention for male and female victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault throughout Indiana.
  • One-on-one help for individuals playing a supportive role in the life of a young person challenged with drug or alcohol use. Contact Partnership for Drug-Free Kids Helpline specialists.


IU Parent-Child Clinic: assists families with oppositional problems in 3-8 year-old children

Centerstone: walk-in crisis, outpatient, psychiatric consultation, evaluation, and medication management

Milestones Clinical & Health Resources: a nonprofit, certified outpatient mental health clinic specializing in providing care to children and adolescent and individuals with disabilities of all ages

Bloomington Meadows Hospital: provides programs and treatment for children and adolescents, ages 6-17

Action Health Center-Marion County Public Health Department offers individual, group, and family counseling for young people and their families. Call (317) 221-8950 for more information.

Families First provides mental health counseling, education, crisis intervention, and other support. Call (317) 634-6341 for more information or assistance.

Adult and Child Center - Provides an Open Access clinic for quicker, easier access to their behavioral health services. For more information, call 1-877-882-5122.

Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health provides outpatient psychiatric evaluation, counseling, and therapy for children and adolescents. Call (317) 221-8950 for more information.

Reach for Youth is a Youth Service Bureau that provides behavioral health counseling and more for youth and their families. Call the Marion County Crisis & Suicide Hotline at (317) 251-7575. For more information in Marion County, call (317) 926-4357, and for Johnson County call (317) 738-4636.

Capital City Family Education Services offers therapeutic services for children and adolescents for a variety of mental and behavioral health concerns. Call (317) 686-0931 for more information.

Centerstone Richmond outpatient services provide mental health care for children and teens. Call (765) 983-8000 for more information or assistance. Experiencing a crisis? Call the Crisis Hotline at 800-832-5442.

Meridian Health Services provides outpatient mental health and addiction services for youth, including mental health evaluations, counseling, and substance abuse treatment. Services are available on a sliding scale for income-eligible clients. Crisis line (24-hour) 1-800-333-2647. Intake/Access call (765) 288-1928.

Community Howard Regional Health provides treatment for youth experiencing mental health concerns or psychiatric disorders. The level of care is determined by assessment. For appointments or 24-hour crisis services, call (765) 453-8555 or 1-888-204-6242.

Four County Counseling Center offers outpatient services for children and adolescents experiencing mental or behavioral health concerns. Intake/Crisis Line call 1-800-552-3106. Howard County Office call (765) 452-5437.

Crisis Center, Inc. provides emergency shelter and counseling for youth ages 10 to 18. Call (219) 938-7070 for more information and assistance.

Edgewater Health provides early intervention for children and adolescents who are experiencing emotional or behavioral problems. Call (219) 885-4264 for more information or assistance.

Community Healthnet provides behavioral health services to adults, adolescents, and children. Services are not denied due to an inability to pay. Call (219) 880-1190 for more information or assistance.

Capital City Family Education Services offers therapeutic services for children and adolescents for a variety of mental and behavioral health concerns. Call (219) 765-1500 for more information.

Oaklawn Psychiatric Center provides outpatient mental health treatment for youth and their families. Call the crisis line at 1-800-282-0809 or the Access Center at (574) 283-1234.

Otis R. Bowen Center for Human Services offers outpatient treatment for youth experiencing mental health concerns. Call 1-800-342-5652 for more information.

Brandon’s House provides counseling services to teenagers and their families at no cost.

Childplace offers therapy services and medication management services to children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families.

LifeSpring Health Systems provides comprehensive services to children ages 0-17 by addressing the unique challenges young people face each day.

Milestones Clinical and Health Resources is a certified outpatient mental health clinic specializing in providing care to children, adolescents and individuals with disabilities with all ages.

Centerstone provides mental health and addiction services for persons of all ages. A 24-hour intake and crisis intervention line is available. Call the crisis line at 1-800-832-5442 or the access line at 1-800-344-8802 for additional information.

Adult and Child Mental Health Center offers outpatient treatment for youth experiencing a mental health issues or psychiatric disorder. Call (812) 418-7900 for more information.

Family Service of Bartholomew County provides counseling services for children, youth, and families for a wide range of concerns. Call (812) 372-3745 for more information.

Crossroad Child & Family Services offers outpatient counseling services to youth experiencing behavioral issues or mental concerns. Call (260) 484-4153 ext. 2060 for more information.

Parkview Mental Health offers outpatient treatment for youth experiencing a mental concern or psychiatric disorder. Call (260) 824-1071 for more information.

Hope Alive offers counseling services to assist individuals who want to work on issues such as low self-esteem, childhood trauma, depression, anxiety, and grief. Call (260) 420-6100.

Indiana Teens and Young Adults Can Enroll in Free E-Cigarette Quit Program

Man smoking an e-cigarette

This is Quitting
Helps Indiana teens and young adults who want to quit vaping.

The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH), in partnership with the Truth Initiative®, announced a text message program, This is Quitting. Hoosier youth who need help quitting vaping can text “Indiana” to 88709 and receive age-appropriate recommendations about ways to quit.


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