Reclaiming my health: A journey of discovery
David Bryant, Technology Services Manager, School of Education, IU Indianapolis
David Bryant, Technology Services Manager, School of Education, IU Indianapolis
In May of 2019 at 30 years old, my doctor had a "come to Jesus" meeting with me. If I didn't make drastic changes, I would be facing a heart attack before the age of 40. I started my journey and committed to making lifestyle changes. I never knew or realized that I had an addiction to processed foods and sugar, had some barriers with starting physical activity with a genetic condition that makes my body constantly ache. I had to find my “why”. I knew that my life depended on me doing this. It was simple, do it or risk death. I want a long life and relationship with my "bestie" and fiancé, Jennifer Morgan. I was able to drop thirty pounds in three months and consistently commit to my new lifestyle.
I knew that my life depended on me doing this. It was simple, do it or risk death. I want a long life and relationship with my “bestie” and fiancé, Jennifer Morgan.
I struggled early on with ‘withdrawal’ type symptoms, and I was irritable and snapping at everyone. As I started working out, I was very sore the first few weeks. I had to explore a variety of options to determine what worked for me. When I first started, I did 30-minute cardio sessions and focused on keeping my heart rate up. Later, I explored high intensity interval training (HIIT) with high speed, short bursts for various lengths of time.
In October 2021, I started my current job with the School of Education, and in January 2024, I decided to reconnect with my journey. My Dean could tell something was “off”, and I let her know about my personal journey. She just smiled and said “David, words alone won't tell the depth of how proud I am that you're taking charge of your health”. I have had great support from my family, very close friends, and my co-workers. All of whom have supported me and pushed me to get back on track if or when I started to falter.
I don’t always see the change in myself, but I know my hard work has paid off when others who haven't seen me in a while, notice the changes. Now, I am inspiring others to follow in my footsteps because they see what I’ve had to overcome and realize, if he did it, I can too.
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