Alicia Anino

Alicia Anino standing in nature

Questioning my beliefs to connect through differences

Alicia Añino, University Library Administrative Assistant, IU Indianapolis             

I have worked at IU Indianapolis for almost 19 years and will most likely retire from here. As a conservative on a liberal college campus, I have mentally struggled with finding my voice at work, relating to colleagues on a personal level without alienating myself, and eternally questioning whether I am in the right spot.

Over the last couple of years, I have done a lot of soul searching about speaking up and sharing my opinions, which I often feel are the opposite of 99% of my colleagues. I have come to find that there are ways to connect compassionately with coworkers—even when we don’t agree on everything!

I am open to listening to different viewpoints, which helps me on my personal journey to decide what I truly believe.


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